Nerissa Ng

Portolfio & CV + EXP Showcase

StreetStyle is my Domain
& Make it Alternative


AdobeOther SoftwaresMachines
IllustratorClo3dHeavy WorkShop Machines
PhotoshopCriCutSewing Machine
LightroomFlashPrintFlashForge 3D Printer
FrescoSketchup 3D 

About Me

  • A very in the moment person who generally does not take alot of picture documenting my life.

  • Thirst for knowledge with a deep love for learning.

  • Love to set up/build items

  • A creative problem solver, who devises designs or setups aimed at maximizing efficiency within a given situation.

  • (Check my Pinterest Boards collection to see what kind of styles I'm into)

Innovative & creative clothing designs that captures attention of alt fashion loversAbove average workmanship in terms of basic sewing
A very hands on person, enjoying physical labour workDigital work is the least of my pirorities
  • Hobbies: Dressing Up, Photoshoots, Drawing, Puzzles, Building/Diy/Product Design, Gaming

Fashion Works


3D print infusion, Rips & Shreads, Paint & Markers, SprayPaint

Final Year Project

Jester Inspired and made from limited scrap & unwanted materials.

Usage of Clo3d to achieve certain outfit silhouttes [Self-Taught]. Through this, I have saved ample time & materials by being able to test out ideas, redraft/redrape until desired look is achieved without sewing a toile.

Methods: SprayPaint (Controlled to give various effects) , Patchwork (due to lack of fabric)

Poly Intern @ So Drama! Entertainment!

For a major show at intern: 4 Leads
[Music & Memories: Back in Time]
Concept: Futuristic, Cyber, Techwear


In-house styling using the model's wardrobe to fit her image reputation.
(Did directing too :D)


My passion lies in street fashion and I am keen on exploring opportunities for editorial shoots, as well as roles as a Photo Model, Blog Shop Model, and Commercial Model.I have done some testshoots as a model to capture my curated outfits, which I found enjoyable. These experiences have sparked my interest in pursuing modeling as a career.The photographers I've worked with, friends & strangers have encouraged me to pursue this, based on the work they've seen.Plus it would help me understand the role of a model in depth as fashion stylist & perform my role well.